Research and Publications
Vocati research suggests that students participating in the program grow in character and moral thinking faster than the national norms of their peers. Vocati participants report significantly greater participation in spiritually formative habits because of the Vocati and show significant growth in all 6 measurements for Spiritual Maturity. Vocati students also tend to have a more active view of God and use the Bible and theology to direct their actions. Preliminary research also shows a decrease in anxiety and depression.
Long, J., Smith, J., Long, J., and Fraze, D., “Spiritual Self Efficacy: Engaging Youth in Spiritually Formative Practices.” (Pending).
Smith, J., Smith, L., Long, J., and Long, J., “ Beyond Fundamentalism: A Path to Reframing Faith in Adolescents – Insights from Vocati,” Journal of Youth and Theology, (2024): published online ahead of print.
Smith, J. and Long, J., “Adolescent Christian Discernment: Utilizing Richard Osmer’s Approach to Practical Theology to Help Young People Ages 14-18 Develop A Missional Practice,” Journal of Youth and Theology, (2023): 1-25.
Long, J. & Smith, J. (2021). Impact of a Youth Theology Institute on Adolescent Moral Development and Spiritual Development. Journal of Youth Ministry, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 53 – 94.
Long, J., Smith, J., Long, J., and Fraze, D., “Spiritual Self Efficacy: Engaging Youth in Spiritually Formative Practices.” Oral Presentation at the International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry in Manchester, England, January 2024.
Smith, J., Smith, L., Long, J., and Long, J. “Reframing Faith in Young People – Insights from Vocati.” Oral presentation at the International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry in Copenhagen, Denmark, April 2023.
Smith, J. & Long, J. “An Ecclesiology of Adolescent Spiritual Discernment: Utilizing Richard Osmer’s Approach to Practical Theology to Help High School Students Develop a Missional Practice for Lubbock Christian University’s Vocati Program.” Oral Presentation at the Log College Project’s online gathering through Princeton Theological Seminary’s Institute for Youth Ministry (January 2021), the Association of Youth Ministry Educators Conference (October 2022), and the International Association for the Study of Youth Ministry Conference (January 2023).
Long, J.D., Bonner, S., Cimino, H., Guinn, A. & Brown, L. “Impact of a Youth Theological Institute on Moral Development: Findings from Vocati Cohort 2. Oral presentation. Sigma Theta Tau International, Research Congress, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 25-29, 2019.
Long, J. D., Bonner, S., Silva, S., & Cimino, H. “Adolescent Moral Development: Effectiveness of Engaging Youth in the Critical Appraisal of Theological Content.” Oral presentation, Sigma Theta Tau International, Research Congress, Melbourne, Australia, July 18-23, 2018.