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Teacher/Sponsor What to Know

Encounter Teacher/Sponsor What To Know

What to Know

Sponsors are welcome at all Encounter activities, however, please be observant when going to classes. If it looks like a class already is full, please go to another class. Sponsors are not allowed in the dorms after lights out, unless given permission by the Head Counselor. Please remember that you are expected to uphold all the rules of the camp and notify the Director of Camp if you have any problems.

We do not have room at Encounter to provide housing for sponsors. You are responsible for finding your own housing.

Background Check

To better protect our campers, we are conducting background checks on all volunteers. This includes teachers, sponsors, spouses and interns. Information required for the background checks will be collected during the registration process. Sponsors that arrive without background checks will not be able to participate or help in class presentations until a background check is complete. You can go to this link to fill out the form online: and chose volunteer or you can print the Background Check form that came with your confirmation email and return to the office within 10 days.

Arrival and Departure

Check-in for Encounter will be in the Baker Conference Center, Sunday 2-5pm. There won’t be early check-in on Saturday.


Boys and girls will check-in at the Baker Conference Center then proceed to get their room assignments. The girls will stay in Katie Rogers and the boys stay in Johnson Hall. All campers will be housed three to a room so please plan accordingly. We are not taking requests for roommates prior to camp starting. You will choose your roommate when you check in at the dorm.

If you arrive after 5:00 pm on Sunday, you will register in the Moody foyer after the Keynote speaker.

Checkout is between 8-9am Friday morning. Campers will check out with their counselor the morning camp closes. The camper will be responsible for any repair costs to damaged rooms.

Teacher/sponsor check-in

You can check in and pick up your bag during registration on Sunday. We will have a teacher/sponsor dinner and meeting on Sunday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Baker.


All academic buildings have now been changed onto the new wireless. A guest network LCUGuest does not require an LCU login.  This is a network for internet access only.  Wi-Fi is not available on all of the campus.


If sponsors did not purchase a meal option when they registered online, they will be responsible for their meals during the week, with the exception of the welcome registration dinner and the sponsor luncheon on Friday. They can purchase meals individually at the door of the cafeteria. Individual meal costs are $8.00 for breakfast and $9.00 for lunch or dinner.

Dress Code

Our camp facility, Lubbock Christian University, has an expectation of modest attire for all staff, students and community. As a camp, we honor that policy. Please read the details that apply to our camps. All of the rules apply to guys and girls.

Camp Staff will make every effort to implement this policy in accordance with the stated expectations.


As a participant, campers may be photographed or filmed during normal activities by a member of LCU’s Camp media team. These photos/videos may be used without compensation in promotional materials or other publications including the camp website ( to illustrate and promote the camp experience and its’ programs.

Taking Campers Off-Campus

For continuity and safety, all camps are closed campus. Campers are not allowed to leave campus. Please do not ask to take them off campus for meals. Should you need to take a camper off-campus you must sign-out in the Camp Office, which is located in room 114 in the Administration Building..

Camp Phone Numbers and Email

If no one is available to answer your call, leave a message and we will contact you as soon as possible

Call The Camp Office at 806.720.7219
Go to the camp website at
Call Terri Warren at 806.789.4455
Email Terri Warren at